Oracle Vs MongoDB(SQL Vs No SQL)-RealTime usecases of Database
Be Flexible in Life like Mongo DB , And strong ,rigid sometimes as Oracle !!!! :)
Real Time Usecases -
- Oracle -priced version fitted for small and medium enterprise (Mostly legacy application) , Security needed on own ( From SQL injection).Large data need and Generous Budget.
- No SQL-Mongo DB (Atlas)-FREE-When application is still evolving ,in phase of connecting with multiple upstream/downstream,data may be used for differnet analytics. Mobile apps,realTime analytics,Content Management
- No SQL-Cassandra(Facebook)-FREE-for real time , IOT Data,Senor data , Very very FAST in reading ,updating,Use for real time systems
- Google BigTable (GoogleCloud)-PRICED-For Fraud detection or where you need to identify some pattern in data stored.
Live Example-Its about how you want to see a particular situation . There are 2 ways to look Corona Pandemic Data -
Problem Statement -We want to store India’s Covid data (Patients, their ID,Demographics,Previous health conditions ,Hospitals ,Doctor ,Medicines ,Oxygen demand,Blood pressure,Heartbeat,No of Corona Cases in Family, No.of Covid cases in Colony ,nearby locale,Prescription Image..These fields can also add up more with time)
- SQL Way — Patient Data columns and their tables will be designed . We need to be sure the field names and their datatypes before storing the data . Suppose like One Table for Covid Patient details,One Table for Hospital data,One for Locality details,One for Medicine ,One for Prescription Image .
In this -we should be aware of Their foreign key joining these tables. Also in SQL-schema is rigid . So we need to know all details in prior.
2. No SQL Way -Lets store Covid pateint documents . One Covid patient Info(stored as JSON document) and will be stored in Collections. Add any data type or fields at run time . So Flexible and easy to store.Like In Whatsapp-You can send any video,GIF,Doc, New app integration,APK files,message..No restrictions on sending anything
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