Java Interview Questions for SDET
Hi , Sharing core Java interview questions and answer on the Finance domain and mostly on big Investment banks. Many of these Java interview questions are asked on JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, or Goldman Sachs.
In all questions ,try to give answers by giving examples of finance domain(Like banking system, loan ,fraud)anks mostly asked core Java interview questions from multi-threading, collection, serialization, coding and OOPS design principles.
- Explain Lambda expressions in Java 8 — Why its used
- Explain static Constructor if its possible
- Explain private Constructor and its usage(Hint-Singelton)
- Explain private/protected/public inheritence and their various combinations like — is a variable can be private+Final or Public+Final(when it will be)
- Multiple inheritence in Java (Other than interface)
- Generics in Hashmap(Is it possible to have Hashmap without any generics in left side while initialization) — if not -will it give compilation error?
- Explain String immutable (Reverse and count of characters without string function)
- Explain Hashmap principle(if same keys/values will be given)-then is linkedlist will be made?
- Is Hashmap threadsafe? How it can be made
- Where does equals() and hashCode() method comes in the picture during the get() operation
- What is the difference between creating String as new() and literal
- What’s wrong using HashMap in the multi-threaded environment? When get() method go to the infinite loop
- Does not overriding hashCode() method has any performance implication
- Data visualization tools and examples
- SQL penetration test and type of attacks?Any example
- Array vs Arraylist
- Sorting with use of collections and without collection
- Read data from excel sheet (wrt to data not rows and columns)-APACHE POI
- Does all property of Immutable Object needs to be final
- When do you override hashCode() and equals()?
- Comparison of objects of 2 classes in Java
- Memory management (heap memory ,Garbage collections)
- Grep commands with combination of copying a command.
- Difference between atomic, volatile and synchronized in Java?
- Challenge faced in application development /automation